Fresh from my catnap (over the atlantic) - I headed out to meet my old golfing pals down at our favourite 19th (watering) hole. The Anglesea Arms was just as busy as I remembered it. Full of Friday investment bankers, wannabe rock stars, impoverished post docs and even an odd FRS's or two..... (For those non-English amongst the readers - FRS = Fellow of the Royal Society).

Pat (still whacking the balls in England), Mike - Jonesy or Dr Jones to some (spending most of his time pretending to be a pro in Singapore) and Rob (soon to be an upside down golfer in Auckland). For now, the picture says a thousand words. Anyway, it was good to catch up with lots of old friends again.
1 comment:
wow - so many people there I forgot it gets crazy in the summer - hope you drank a few wife beaters for me
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