This came up in our conversation on Sunday - after partaking of large quantity of Taiwanese brunch.
The conversation went thus:
Kamie: "So, what constitute sex??
Alex: "What do you mean?"
Kamie: "I mean what is the definition of sex?"
General laughter by everyone.
Diana: "If you haven't got it figured out by now, then you never will."
Kamie: "It's not that, I just want to know all your view about what does it [sex] mean?"
Cristine: "To me, it's like a plug and the wall socket..................."
Much much later
Raj: "It's like a 6.25 if it's....... and a 10 if it's a so and so......" [please fill in the gap and use your imagination.]
Rob: " You mean, different activities can be added up, I like that idea."
So I'm going to conduct a survey on it. Please respond to this post with your definition, qualification and quotation you feel necessary to make your case.