Thursday, July 26, 2007

Work Glorious Work

A colleague took this picture (using iPhone - no less) at the end of our technical design workshop session. And yes, by the end of the day - that simple diagram (behind my head) was enough to send me over the edge and a splitting headache ensued for a while.....

Friday, July 13, 2007

Magnifico Italia

An evening rambling about the Milano Duomo Piazza and I stumbled upon a very nice shopping arcade - it reminded of a small arcade just around the corner from Piccadilly Circus. Bu then I saw this and HAD to take this picture. McDonald next to Louis Vuitton.... Talk about brand recognition !!

Dinner with friends (yes, we are all IBMers - true blue) at Formaggio Fondu.

And a few bottles of vino rosso later, this happened.....

Ok, it wasn't my idea but it seemed the most natural thing to do - at that time.

Besides, I didn't know that it was a cow - or at least that cows have horns...

Now for something more 'cultural' and morally uplifting from Venezia and Verona.

The Venezia Porto on the approach from the Ferry. Very impressive and the water is fairly clear too....

A view of Piazza San Marco - with zillions of tourists and yes, I'm one of them.

This one speaks for itself. Cute kitty in costume

The Arena in Verona - a Roman amphi-theatre. These days are the setting for the summer open air Opera.

A view from my seat at Aida Opera.

Last but definitely not least, something memorable from Verona..... Bet you didn't know that size 34 B comes in pint!!